Short Story

I am pledging for assistance of my big bro, Brian Kiplangat who passed away recently and left us with the hospital bills and burial cost which we can’t afford pegging for assistance to help send him off. He was suffering from stage four stomach cancer, and he was a university student.

Nandi, Kenya

Lending a helping hand; supporting Brian Kiplangat through medical challenges and funeral expenses

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0 Days Left
Goal: $5,000.00
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Brian Kiplangat, a beloved big brother of mine recently faced an unexpected and devastating turn of event. He has been ill and was diagnosed with stomach cancer early this year and a few months ago his health deteriorate and was hospitalized with stage four cancer. We did struggle to pay for the medical expenses and the surgery cost us a lot also. The community helped us with the fundraisings, but it was not enough. My family is not that rich, but we tried our best by selling the land we had. Unfortunately, he didn’t make.

The bill is still so high, and the doctor told us that the body cannot be taken till the bill is 80 per cent cleared. Right now, according to my family financial level it will still take us a while to come up with the money and so from the bottom of my heart I came here begging if I could get anyone who can donate at least even a dollar can help somewhere .We have to pay for the medical expenses as well as the burial cost including buying the casket. Please I beg you to help me support my brother with the burial expenses.

This campaign has been created to alleviate some of the financial burden on my family during this challenging time. Your generosity will directly support Brian medical bills and funeral expenses ensuring that he receive the care he needs. Please consider supporting this campaign and helping us and also pray for us at this devastating time. Your contribution is highly appreciated.




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